LLM. LE Duc Phuong



First Name:


Date of Birth:

06 October 1979

Academic Qualification:


Venia Legendi

(qualification to teach):

Master of Law

Further Qualifications:




At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since:


Level of Employment (part-time or full-time):

Full time

Teaching Focus:

Public International Law, Law of the Sea, Law on Territory and National Border, International Law on Human Rights.

Interdisciplinary Aspects:


Activities in the Areas:


  • Further Education


  • Research


  • Consultancy


How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities?




Work experience:


  • General

Mr. Le Duc Phuong is currently working at HCM University of Law's Faculty of International Law, major in Public International Law, Law of the Sea, Law on Territory and National Border, International Law on Human Rights. Mr. Le Duc Phuong is also the Member of Vietnam Bar Association and collaborator of law firm.

  • Activities as an Expert:



* Books and textbooks:

- International public law, Hong Duc Publishing House, 2012


* Research topics at all levels:

- International and Vietnamese law on nationality and improvement orientation, 2013 (School level)

- Mutual legal assistance on criminal matters in international law and Vietnamese law, 2014 (School level)

- Fishing cooperation in disputed waters and applicability in the East Sea, 2018 (School level)

- Completing the law on immigration, residence and labor management of foreigners in Vietnam, 2019 (Ministry level)


* Books:

- Questions and answers about sovereignty over seas and islands in international law and Vietnamese law, 2011

- Instructions for applying international and Vietnamese legal documents in studying International Public Law, 2012

- Mutual legal assistance in criminal matters in international law and Vietnamese law, 2014

- Transfer of people serving prison sentences in international law and Vietnamese law with the issue of ensuring human rights, 2015

- Law on immigration, residence and labor of foreigners in Vietnam, 2019

- Collection of study guide documents for International Law on Human Rights, 2023


* Magazine articles:

- Transfer of people serving prison sentences in international law and Vietnamese law, Journal of State and Law, 2016

- Receiving and transferring people serving prison sentences with a number of international cooperation activities in criminal proceedings between Vietnam and foreign countries, Journal of State and Law, 2017

- Completing the regulations of the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments 2010 on receiving and transferring people serving prison sentences, Journal of State and Law, 2018


* Workshop articles at all levels:

- National emergency according to international law and Vietnamese law, 2012 (Faculty level)

- Amendments and supplements to foreign policy according to the 2013 and 2015 Constitution (Faculty level)

- The formation and development process of Vietnamese law on international treaties, 2016 (Faculty level)

- Discussing the issue of joining the Agreement on conservation and management of long-distance migratory fish stocks of Vietnam, 2017 (Faculty level)

- Arbitration Court's ruling in the case of the Philippines suing China - a challenge to the ASEAN consensus, 2016 (International conference)

- Some comments on amending and supplementing the Law on Execution of Criminal Judgments 2010 on receiving and transferring people serving prison sentences, 2018 (International workshop)

- Completing legal regulations on subjects participating in marriage and family relationships involving foreign elements, 2020 (Faculty level)

- Cooperation activities among ASEAN countries on combating piracy and armed robbery against ships in the East Sea region according to ReCAAP, 2022 (Faculty level)

- Vietnam's Law of the Sea 2012 with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 - viewed from a comparative perspective, 2023 (School level).


Member of Vietnam Bar Association.

International experience through:


  • Management Activities


  • Academic Activities


  • Personal Background/ Experience



