

First Name:


Date of Birth:

17th of August, 1991

Academic Qualification:

  1. 2015: LLB, School of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam
  2. 2020: LLM, Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, Vietnam


Venia Legendi

(qualification to teach):

2017: Pedagogical professional certificate

Further Qualifications:

From 2022: PhD in Law Student, University of Pécs, Hungary



At the Higher Education Institution (to be accredited) since:


Level of Employment (part-time or full-time):

Full-time Lecturer

Teaching Focus:

International law, human rights

Interdisciplinary Aspects:


Activities in the Areas:


  • Further Education


  • Research

Research Projects:

  1. 2018: The completion oflegal regulations on managing immigration and export activities, residence and work of foreigners in Vietnam, ministerial-level (member)
  2. 2021: Research on scientific arguments to amend and supplement the Education Law, Stated-level (member of research group)
  3. 2022: Protecting human health and lives in international investment law, university-level (member) – ongoing
  4. 2023: Improving legal regulations on responsible business practices in the implementation of Vietnam's international commitments, ministerial-level (member) – ongoing
  • Consultancy

Academic consultations:

  1. Course instructions for bachelor students;
  2. Supervision of students‘ research projects and dissertations.

How are personal research activities reflected in teaching activities?




Work experience:


  • General

Academic position: Lecturer

Years of experience: 6 years (2017-2023)

  • Activities as an Expert:



  1. Vietnam’s Response to a Call for a Renewable Energy Revolution in the Context of Trade Integration - What Could be Learnt from the EU? In: Energy Crisis and Security Challenges in the World - Sustainable Responses of the Asian Economies and Societies. Budapesti Gazdasági Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország (2023), pp. 57-88. ISBN 978-615-6342-67-6
  2. Reforming the judiciary: regional trends and the future of Vietnam's judicial reform strategy In: Bendes, László Ákos; Gáspár, Zsolt; Gáti, Balázs; Projics, Narcissus; Rip song, Dora; Tóth, Dávid (ed.) V. Conference volume: Presentations of the conference organized for doctoral students in law in Pécs, Pécs, Hungary: Pécs University School of Public and Legal Studies (2023), 214 p. pp. 188-205., 18 p. ISBN: 9789636261405
  3. Quyền an tử In: Vũ, Công Giao; Lã, Khánh Tùng (ed.) MỘT SỐ VẤN ĐỀ NHÂN QUYỀN HIỆN ĐẠI, Hanoi, Vietnam : NHÀ XUẤT BẢN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI (2023), 526 p. pp. 232-254. , 23 p. ISBN: 978-604-364-606-1
  4. Bảo đảm quyền tiếp cận tư pháp về môi trường ở Việt Nam In: Vũ, Công Giao; Lã, Khánh Tùng (ed.) MỘT SỐ VẤN ĐỀ NHÂN QUYỀN HIỆN ĐẠI, Hanoi, Vietnam : NHÀ XUẤT BẢN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI (2023), 526 p. pp. 379-397., 19 p. ISBN: 978-604-364-606-1
  5. SURROGACY FOR SAME-SEX COUPLES: WHO ARE THE LEGAL PARENTS OF A SURROGATE CHILD? In: Sarah, Biddulph; Kathryn, Taylor; Sébastien, Lafrance; Nguyễn, Thị Quế Anh; Vũ, Công Giao; Luong, Thế Huy; Ngô, Hoàng Ngọc Hiệp; Vũ, Thành Cự (ed.) LEGALIZATION OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE : A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE. International Conference Proceedings, Hanoi, Vietnam : NHÀ XUẤT BẢN KHOA HỌC XÃ HỘI (2022), 540 p. pp. 393-408. , 16 p. ISBN: 978-604-364-217-9
  6. Sustainable Fisheries in the ASEAN Region - Lessons from the EU's Common Fisheries Policy? In: Legal Cooperation, Harmonization and Unification: An ASEAN Perspective (2022), https://law.unimelb.edu.au/centres/alc/news-and-events/legal-cooperation,-harmonization-and-unification-an-asean-perspective-online-conference#papers
  7. Elimination of Child Labor in Vietnam's New Generation of Free Trade Agreements, Lentera Hukum (2022), DOI: https://doi.org/10.19184/ejlh.v9i1.26026
  8. The era of new-generation free trade agreements: Can forced labor be completely eliminated? The case of Vietnam In: Commitments on environment and labour in Vietnamese strategic FTAs (2021), Hong Duc Publishing House. ISBN: 9786043389715
  9. The Elimination of Forced Labour under EVFTA and CPTPP - Current legal system and measures to secure its implementation in Vietnam In: The Implementation of New-generation FTAs in Vietnam: Challenges in the fields of Labour, Environment and Intellectual Property (2021), https://conference.ilaw.edu.vn/index.php/en/tom-t-t-tham-lu-n-2/126-part-i-new-generation-free-trade-agreement-and-general-legal-issues-on-labor/355-xoa-b-lao-d-ng-cu-ng-b-c-theo-evfta-va-cptpp-th-c-ti-n-phap-lu-t-va-bi-n-phap-d-m-b-o-th-c-thi-t-i-vi-t-nam
  10. Elimination of child labour in new- generation free trade agreements and international integration of Vietnam In: Combating Child Labour in ASEAN/Southeast Asia (2021), https://shapesea.com/about-us/news/online-conference-on-combating-child-labour-in-asean-southeast-asia/#1621437609711-3fe523cf-676a
  11. Human Rights of Host State Population in EU and ASEAN International Investment Agreements with Asia Pacific Countries, International Business Law Journal (2021), https://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/Product/Company-Law/Economic-Power-Partnerships-in-Asia-Pacific/Paperback/42905747
  12. The Development of E-government and Its Role in Anticorruption Strategy in the Republic of Korea: Lessons for Vietnam In: Good Governance and Anti-Corruption: Opportunities and Challenges in the Era of Digital Technology (2020), https://www.ucc.ie/en/law/news/online-international-conference-good-governance-and-anti-corruption-opportunities-and-challenges-in-the-era-of-digital-technology.html
  13. The Elimination of Forced Labor in new-generation free trade agreements In: New-generation Free Trade Agreements and non-commercial issues: Rights related to labor (2020), Hong Duc Publishing House. ISBN: 9786043185089
  14. Regulations on Immigration, Residence and Employment of Foreign Workers in Gulf Countries and Recommendations for Vietnam, Journal of Legislative Studies (2019), http://lapphap.vn/Pages/anpham/chitietanpham.aspx?ItemID=66
  15. Book chapter In: Regulations on immigration, residence, and employment of foreigners in Vietnam (2019), Vietnam National University Publishing. ISBN: 9786047368532
  16. The ability to enforce labor commitments in new-generation Free Trade Agreements, Journal of Legal Sciences (2019), https://tapchikhplvn.hcmulaw.edu.vn/module/xemchitietbaibao?oid=cc456cee-9094-4e82-98fc-e37591ab37f6
  17. Managing Migrant Labour via Visa in Gulf, Journal of African and Middle Eastern Studies (2018), http://iames.gov.vn/iames/tap-chi-nghien-cuu-chau-phi-va-trung-dong/nam-2018/tap-chi-nghien-cuu-chau-phi-va-trung-dong-so-04-152-thang-4-nam-2018-2018.html
  18. Streaming education in Singapore and Korea - Some experiences for Vietnam, Journal of Legal Sciences (2018), https://tapchikhplvn.hcmulaw.edu.vn/module/xemchitietbaibao?oid=30940931-3c00-4f64-9c93-dcd20cd8bcf8



International experience through:


  • Management Activities


  • Academic Activities


  • Personal Background/ Experience



